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A member registered Apr 10, 2021

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(1 edit)

1. Take a sphere from the GameObjects.

2. Select and import a polybrush from package managers in windows menu.

3. select the poly brush window and from there select the 'sculpt on meshes' and click and play around to practice sculpting .

4. Select the shaders folder from the project section and right click on standard texture and creat a new material  and drag and drop textures onto the texture tab .

then link that material onto the GameObject . 

5. Then on the polybrush section , select 'paint texture on meshes' option and and once you select the gameobject you can see the textures that are added on the brush. Now simply paint on the sphere to create the desired look on the planet.

6. To add trees and other objects , select the "scatter prefabs on meshes " option in polybrush and drag and drop the prefabs of the assets onto Current pallette. select the item and paint on the sphere.


(1 edit)

1. In the GameObjects tab select 3D and select Terrain.

2. Keep the Terrain selected from the Hierarchy and on the inspector select brush tool and from the popup select  Raise or Lower Terrain.

Then use the brush on the selected terrain by clicking to raise and Shift+ left click to lower the terrain.

3. Then on the same brush tool choose Paint Texture. Make sure you have downloaded / your own terrain texture assets and it has been imported to your project. In terrain layers, go to Edit Terrain Layers and choose Create  Layer. Then add a base texture for your terrain. Here i chose Snow.

4. In Edit Terrain Layers , choose Add Layer and select the layer you want from the pop up and then paint it over the region you want.

by Student of VIT Bhopal(CSE with specialization in Gaming technology)

oh yeah sure shall i dm you on discord?

Game Review

This is a platform/ FPS game where the player has to save their friend who got sucked into a computer and he has to run through and shoot at obstacles that come on the way. The player can move around, jump and slide using the keys of the keyboard and left-click the mouse to shoot.

The most attractive aspect of this game is of course the outstanding visuals, the vaporwave-related theme, and the references to internet/meme culture. This is perhaps the best way I have seen this theme being implemented in a game in such a beautiful way. The entire environment and the floating assets in the game added to the aesthetic very well. The sound effects have all been well incorporated and carry out the mood of the game very well.

As we move on to higher levels the speed of the player and the number of unexpected obstacles increases. vertical and horizontal pillars, the moving trees, and the BOSS were some of the main obstacles, and along with that, there were some obstacles like the pop-ups or mirrored doors which were unexpected and show up at times when the player is already trying to deal with the existing deals which make the game hard to play. All of these aspects properly test the player's capabilities of handling pressure and hand-eye coordination. 

This game is full of surprises and definitely hard to play for a beginner. One thing I would like to point out is that if we lose at some point the game begins all over again instead of allowing us to resume from where we lost, which was annoying for me when I initially started playing the game as I was not aware of the 'surprises'. This might discourage certain players to come back and/or keep playing the game. But on the other hand, there would be competitive players who would try to master their skills at this game.

Talking about mechanics, in most games the mouse is used to move left or right but in this game, the A and D keys are used which might mess things up. It took a few tries for me to get the hang of it. But overall the game was excellent and I enjoyed playing it and I will try my best to get through as many levels as possible.